Senior Class Legacy Tribute to History Department Posted on May 15th, 2017 by

The Gustavus History department is made up of incredible professors. We trust them to guide us, and they in turn trust us to do our work well. It’s rare and valuable to have professors treat you as adults, not just as students, and to make their faith in you known. Thank you to all the history professors I have had the pleasure of knowing over the last four years.

  • – Sophie P.


  1. Eric Carlson says:

    Sophie, it has been a real pleasure to work with you! — Eric Carlson

  2. The History Profs says:

    Thank you so much for your kind words and excellent work, Sophie! We are honored and touched, and we wish you and all the senior history majors our very best as you prepare to embark on your next adventure in making history.

  3. Maddalena Marinari says:

    Thank you so much, Sophie! It’s been wonderful working with you and getting to know you. As a department, we are lucky to have thoughtful, engaged, and hard-working students like you. Good luck with everything and stay in touch!

  4. Kathleen Keller says:

    Thanks, Sophie! You’re one of a very special group of senior history majors. We’ll miss you!

  5. Scott Ickes says:

    Thank you for thinking of us Sophie – Congratulations on four stellar years. It’s been a pleasure and a privilege working with you and your fellow students. Enjoy the next stages of your lives and keep in touch!!